We work in the field of popularization and implementation of the principles of sustainable development of the country by initiating, developing and implementing projects within the framework of European, national and international programs and funds. In addition, ASR SYNERGY provides local enterprises, municipalities and communities with educational services, analytical and consulting support on energy efficiency, environmental protection, the formation of grant applications for competitions of various levels in the field of sustainable development, organizing trainings, seminars, conferences, etc.
The goal of the Academy is to form a community of ambassadors of sustainable development in Ukraine from among scientists, practitioners and visionaries who have the desire to spread their knowledge and skills, share experience and be an active participant in the process of forming a competent and high-quality personnel potential of future changemakers.
If you have your own author's training course, or an interesting idea for creating such a course, the CSSR Academy "SYNERGY" provides support in creating and placing on its own online training courses, webinars, trainings for future specialists in sustainable development. The topics of the training courses should cover areas that include the 17 SDGs: from sustainable cities to human rights and climate action. Each of our courses must address the fundamental challenges facing our world today: how can people, communities, businesses and governments co-exist, what models of cooperation must be put in place to save the only planet we have?